Publicity Guidelines

All events that are funded by the GSC Funding Board or the GSC Initiatives Fund must be widely advertised and open to all members of the MIT community. Please refer to the following guidelines for information on how to publicize your event.

Required Publicity

  1. Add your event to MIT’s events calendar. The events calendar is the central repository for all events happening at MIT.
    1. Visit
    2. Click “Add an Event” under the sponsoring student group.
    3. Fill in your event title, time, and location.
    4. Under Sponsors, search for “GSC Funding Board”. After clicking “add”, GSC Funding Board should appear under the sponsor list.
    5. Submit your event.
  2. Publicize your event in the Anno. The Anno is a weekly newsletter that is sent out to all graduate students at MIT. Events are advertised for two consecutive weeks. The deadline for Anno submissions is Sunday at 12 PM.
    1. Visit
    2. Fill in your event title, time, location, and a bullet point description.
    3. Submit your event.

Optional Publicity

  1. Put up posters throughout campus. For a complete description of ASA postering guidelines, see  Some reminders:
    • All advertisements must include the “Event sponsored by GSC” logo. Our logo can be found on our website.
    • One poster may be placed per designed bulletin board.
    • Bulletin boards are cleared on Thursday night and Monday morning.
  2. Purchase space on the Infinite Display. ASA-recognized students groups are eligible for a free three-day postering per semester on the Student Zone screens. For more information, visit
  3. Take pictures at your event if you’d like us to feature them on our social media and/or website!